Is the Order a Rabbit? BLOOM: Syaro Gothic lolita Ver. 1/7 Scale Figure (BellFine) Image

Is the Order a Rabbit? BLOOM: Syaro Gothic lolita Ver. 1/7 Scale Figure (BellFine)

Figure Scale Figures

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$284.99 $299.99

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From the anime series "Is the Order a Rabbit? BLOOM"?"Syaro" who works at the coffee shop "Fleur de Lapin"" is now available in Gothic and Lolita fashion! In a black-based outfit unique to Gothic Lolita, she lifts up her skirt with her left hand, giving her a mature look that is a bit different from her uniform. Not only the shape of the woven costume, the frilled skirt and the umbrella, but also the details of the painting. A rabbit "Wild Geese" that lives with Syaro is also included. Please enjoy Syaro's Gothic Lolita, which is different from the usual atmosphere, in every corner. Manufacturer BellFine Series Is the Order a Rabbit? BLOOM Specifications Painted 1/7th scale ABS&PVC product.Approximately Height 220 mm